The Plane Effect

More than just a game, it’s an intriguing, melancholy experience. While the start of the game appears to be straightforward enough – leaving the offic... (Baca lebih lanjut)

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More than just a game, it’s an intriguing, melancholy experience. While the start of the game appears to be straightforward enough – leaving the office and heading home – what follows is almost surreal. Manipulate reality and distort the balance between time and space to make your way through a dystopian universe with its own impeccable aesthetic. One to play right away, just for the experience!


The Plane Effect

Mainkan dengan
Gamepad PC Keyboard and Mouse
PQube Limited


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Untuk performa terbaik, gambar grafis harus diatur menjadi lebih rendah daripada internet bandwidth. Sebagai contoh: Jika bandwidth internetmu 10 Mbps, maka bitrate harus diatur menjadi 4 atau 8 Mbps. Untuk mengecek bandwidth internetmu, kamu bisa menggunakan layanan uji kecepatan internet dari beberapa website, atau hubungi penyedia layanan internetmu
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